Sunday morning, we were up bright and early. We got up to the lake around 6:30am and our lines were in the water before 7am. H was using my Daiwa ultra light carbon fiber rod, which we traded. So I am running on her Quantam 36pro Graphite medium. After doing some work for H's mom this weekend, I was able to purchase a new Quantam Triax spinning reel, loaded up with Chameleon Maxima 8lb line. My rigging for this spot, was a bullet slide weight, a round slide weight (to give me the extra weight to get out past the weeds, with the bullet to help cut through them on the reel in) a 2' 6lb test liter and an eagle claw #10 hook, with the barbs removed. (fishing in Oregon has all gone barbless for the most part, so if your thinking of going trout fishing, remove the barbs before you go. Or pinch them down with your tackle box pliers)
When we first got up to Northfork Res. we had settled in about mid-lake off the bank, around the corner from a few other fisherman. I started catching almost immediately. After our first 2 fish the bites died down and we thought we were going to be in for the long haul. A few others had passed by us on the trail and headed around the corner, and as we were listening in, they had already limited out and were packing up and leaving! Score! So we packed up, and move around the corner. After chatting with one of the guys, we casted out from the bank...and sat, and sat. H finally moved down about 10', and caught another. So we had 3 on the stringer. Soon, we heard the group that had been next to us catch their last and leave, so H decided to move back over. I was getting skunked in the supposed glory hole and had tried casting all over the damn place. 'did they leave any fish in here?!' No more than a minute and H has landed another one! so I pack up, and move back over. I feel like I have now fished from every inch of the bank. But H managed to find the sweet spot, and finished out our stringer in less than 20 minutes. By 12:15 we were running out of time in order for H to make it to work on time, so we were forced to pack up and head back early. As we were moving out, more were moving in. Though this time, the secret honey hole left with us.
We caught 7 total this trip with two being over 12" in length. H out fished me by 3, at the very end of the day, it wouldn't have taken long for us to limit out but we had to get H off to work and a very scary pile of dirty laundry awaited me back at the homestead.
This Friday brings with it some excitement, we are going to look at a boat. We have both been wanting one, I prefer row powered over gas powered, with an electric trolling motor when the expense can be warranted. But right now, I am excited to go check out a boat.
A horrible shot of the stringer of fish, as we ended the weekend.

The road out, from the night before. It was a beautiful sunset.
H caught only one 9" rainbow the Saturday evening before, she had two fish that jumped the hook before shore though.