Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A long morning wait.

Last weekend we took H's mom up to Faraday lake, some friends also joined us. When we arrived we were really suprised to see that there was hardly anyone there. We thought that we had gotten lucky and so took a seat near the end of the damn. It was still cool, swallows were fishing for bugs off the waters surface, devouring the mosquitos and midge flies gathering there. I got all of our rods set up, and after some practice casts for H's mom we all had our lines in the water. We sat for quite awhile before our friends showed up, we still hadn't gotten a nibble. It took their arrival, and our buddy R to cast out when ue got a fish on. From there we had very little down time. I caught one shortly after, then H. R and R were bringing in bows too.
Lunch time struck in short order, and with it a swarm of bees that seemed to affect everyone at the lake. We over heard a young woman who loudly proclaimed that she had gotten stung on the rear. The group down the dam from us were keeping us quite entertained in between fish. The squeels when they finally caught a fish had us all laughing. They didnt want to touch it! One girl even squeeled when her worm touched her toe.

All in all, we had a successful trip. As a group we bagged 11, three over 12".

They went into the smoker the next morning as fillets and are tasty, tasty!

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