Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Faraday Lake, Oregon

Faraday lake, is a small resevoir, stream fed from the clackamas river, downstream from North Fork Resevoir. There are no watercraft or floatation devices allowed. We've been out to Faraday several times this year, and had decent luck each time. Mom and I ended her birthday trip here, after getting rained and mudded out at Henry Hagg lake.
We perched about midway down the dam, one of the better places to fish. (Though there is decent fly fishing up stream from the lake), mom was fishing red power bait with gold sparkles and I was fishing chartreuse. Shortly after the first cast out, I had a strike. My first on the new rod, it was a good strong strike and I landed the hook easily. After letting the fish run and playing a bit I landed a nice 10" rainbow. About 30 minutes later, I pulled in a 13" rainbow and while I was removing the hook from mine, mom got a nice strike and pulled in a nice 12" bow. Dark clouds started moving, and the nibbles and bites died down to nothing as the sun started to go down.  We decided to call it a night as the small fry were jumping for gnats on the surface. Nice to finally hook some fish for the weekend, and get some good play on the new ultra light rod.

After the weekend, I decided to pack both the ultra light and the shakespear synergy medium action 6.0 rod that I have.  The synergy is more trustworthy in moving waters, where as the ultra light reacts easily in calm waters but moves a lot in the moving water.

I might want to add a tip here for fishing from the dam at Faraday, weight is key. Its best to get out past the first sand bar about half way between the first and the second. we use a 1/2 lb drop weight with a 3ft leader line. To get above the grasses. Faraday was closed in 2012 for a revamp, but it hasn't affected the fishing much. Glad to see that its been reopened!

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