Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Henry Hagg Lake, Oregon

September 2nd, I took my mom out to Henry Hagg lake for her birthday. My mom loves to fish, my dad too came along for the trip. Though he isn't much of a fisherman. We got out to Hagg lake early, we had checked the weather the night before and were expecting a small rain spell early in the day. What we weren't prepared for was how low the water was. We started hiking in from a east side parking area, about 10 feet from where the grass ended and the dirt bank began we were hit with a downpour. Mom took cover under a large tree and my dad and I quickly joined her. We were hoping to wait out the squall, but after awhile spent waiting we decided to hike back up to the dry car. We headed around the lake and mom and I decided to hike down a trail and check out the lake from another angle. The short hike turned into a muddy walk, and mom lost part of a shoe before we turned back and decided to call it. As the rain showed no signs of stopping. I can't comment on the fishing as we never did get to drop lines into the water. My rod never even left its case. But the water was so low that it made bank access difficult and muddy. Best bet for fall rainbows here would be by water craft, in order to access the more difficult areas to hike into. 

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