Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Trillium Lake, Oregon

Prepare yourself for a rant...just saying.
Trillium Lake, should you Google it (like I did for the above picture...since I am blogging from work. Sssshhhh, I won't tell if you won't.) looks like a serene, mountain lake.

It used to be one, well...okay, so the view of the mountain and the lake is still incredible. Wild trilliums grow around the lake, the trees provide a dense canopy for walking trails around the campground and the fishing used to be one of our favorite places in the world. Until they re-built the dam to make it more user friendly and fish accessible. Sure its more user friendly, but when H and I drove by on our end of August 2013 run, there was 3 fisherman out of quite possibly 50 people! 50 PEOPLE!!! swimming in the water, playing on pool toys, blow up rafts, and jumping off of the bridge. When in the world did Trillium Lake become a swimming hole?! My family and I have been visiting Trillium as a fishing destination for the better part of the last century, and it was always a prime fishing destination for rainbows, and if you were really sucking, a dirty carp or two. We have gone out on the float tubes on this lake several times and always had no problem catching our limit in short order.
After the dam was re-designed my entire family and I, all feel as though the fishing at the lake has been ruined. I don't know if I will ever return to Trillium for summer rainbows, maybe I will try it again in the fall, when the cooler temperatures and fall rains scare away the recreational swimmers and camping families.
Don't get me wrong, Trillium will always hold a very special place in my heart. It is a beautiful destination, and provides some of the greatest views for cross country skiing in the winter time, however I wouldn't recommend it for summer bank fishing any time soon.

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